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Clay Feet -Tuesdays with Shail 1.7

Clay feet. Who doesn’t have them?! We all do. But, children don’t know that when they are young. And, when they grow older say, from teens to adulthood they resent the fact that they were not told earlier that their Pa and Ma had clay feet!

Shucks! I adored them and respected them for this? Clay feet?

“How could they have deceived me” is the common refrain. And, after that, everything the parents suggest becomes a pancake on the path of perilous rebellion. The pandemic has not been kind to people. Parents have taken a drubbing which became more obvious after life became a wee bit offline. Unfortunately, the after-effects of online- influencing left many in an almost permanent state of limbo.

Even while strangers reached out to connect with one another online, the perception that one was depressed or had been given an unfair share of circumstances for no fault of theirs stuck like glue that refused to come off. Like a neon sign blinking on and off, people began carrying their pain (both, real and imagined) on their sleeves ready to bring it up as a justification to underperform, stay dejected or simply, swing high and low permitting the senses to go haywire.

Traumas unknown, unheard of were suddenly unearthed during the course of chats on Discord and other online portals. It became trendy to blame home and hearth for all upheavals in life. Discussing breaking homes and relationships became common and, those who were fortunate enough to have a sense of security from united homes began envying presumed freedom that resided in people living away, far, amongst broken hearts and minds. You see! Life to them was stagnant if one was living a secure, boring existence! Not all savour academic pursuits or, acquiring knowledge either. All that they need in life, they presume, is a financial existence that supports their online life. And, a changing ambiance to suit that! That’s it.

Competition and creativity just got thrown out of the window.

Of course, one cannot generalize. But, being an educator, writer and social media influencer, I am constantly exposed to this arrogant presumption mode and sad sense of self-pity much more than I would like.

We all need closure to pain, to disappointment, to confusion stemming from a world hurtling towards self-destructive norms. The dark and non-decisive have begun to attract more than positivity and peace.

Even as I write I hope the human race moves forward towards faith, confidence and the humility to look within and reform.

Peace be with you!

2 thoughts on “Clay Feet -Tuesdays with Shail 1.7

  1. Hi Shail. If there was anything I needed to hear today, it’s this. I went off all social media platforms except one for this very reason. The dark was just getting on to me.

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