Knock on the Head

Twitter Sparrow Where Are You ? (reflecting on National Bird Day)

With coffee mug in hand, housecoat on I ventured out on the soft dewy grass in the lawn when I heard the chirping of birds nearby. The ‘Seven Sisters’ I used to call them, exactly seven of them would venture out on the grass every day, tweeting and pecking on any possible grains available. What a pleasant sight, a view you are denied in the city. So, where did I see the Seven Sisters? That was way back in Palakkad where the lush green grass spread over vast areas giving enough space for both, human beings and birds/animals alike to co-exist together. Now, I only hear the ‘tweet’ of the virtual world while the original chirping and twittering of little birds like sparrows is almost extinct.

I hoped that I was wrong in my observations; maybe, the sparrows, hornbills, mynas and even other types of pretty little birds did fly about here and there unnoticed. Maybe, the place where I lived had less of greenery to entice these little guests. But that was a failed solace because I came across reports in the newspapers about the possible wipe out of this loving species of birds due to a host of reasons.

Now, why should this happen, I asked myself. Were urban forests usurping the original forest area meant for creatures like the sparrow?
Global warming, I fathom is the main possible reason for this unfortunate turn of events. Who and what is NOT affected by global warming now-a-days. The affected grains are the culprits here. But, in many ways, we humans tend to destroy those whom we love, only to realize it much later when it is too late. When we can do this to our very own homo sapiens, then other creatures which exist with us are bound to suffer the cruel repercussions of our insensitivity. Sparrows and other sweet twittering creatures (about 200 bird species in the country, I gather) are becoming victims to the pesticides used in gardens, fields and farms used to shoo away birds. So, it is not just global warming that is making these birds defunct.

Urbanization brings with it increasing pollution. We human beings are ourselves victims of this fast moving and advancing trend. Although most of us are able to survive this somehow, the same does not apply to our little sparrows. Chopping down of trees to build shopping malls and residential complexes has destroyed the homes of many of these helpless birds.

What do they ask for? Just for a few grains and some twigs for their little nests they give us the joy of life. Just imagine! You are exhausted with the daily work, you open the window to get in some fresh air and then you hear the chirping of little birds. How melodious it is to hear! All the frustration and exhaustion of a busy day just gets wiped out. What are we doing instead? We are wiping out the very providers of this unconditional joy.

I know there are many bird lovers out there who are trying their best to bring back the birds or at least make the existing birds stay by providing little shelters like wooden boxes atop trees to be used as nests for sparrows and other birds. I don’t know how successful these genuine efforts are. Changing lifestyles has brought about a change in the existence of little birds. But, I hear there is some respite. It is possible that these birds have just migrated elsewhere, maybe further into villages and rural areas where there is more forest area and less of urbanization.

I miss the ‘tweet’ and ‘chirp’ of sparrows. If we don’t think up of something, we are eventually going to be left with the twitter on the net. Nothing else.

25 thoughts on “Twitter Sparrow Where Are You ? (reflecting on National Bird Day)

  1. I have adopted another philosophy – if i cannot control my carbon footprint i shall not demand a serene environment. no point in writing about it – coz the time i spend to write it on my laptop burning electricity global warming would already have increased.

    So am not going to be hypocritical about it. i consume,I pollute and i ll have to live with the consequnces – cant and will not crib about it – till i tangibly do something about it.

  2. I read a similar article in a newspaper some days back… Its sad to know that Human activities are taking a toll on animals and birds too…

    Thankfully me lives in a village… So I can still wake up the the chirping!

  3. Saurabh Panshikar :
    I read a similar article in a newspaper some days back… Its sad to know that Human activities are taking a toll on animals and birds too…
    Thankfully me lives in a village… So I can still wake up the the chirping!

    Saurabh Panshikar :
    I read a similar article in a newspaper some days back… Its sad to know that Human activities are taking a toll on animals and birds too…
    Thankfully me lives in a village… So I can still wake up the the chirping!

    You do? You live in a village? How nice. Why don’t you write more about the place? So nice. I am not so fortunate.


    One sparrow showed its head near portico window;
    An incredible sight it is after a long time in our area!
    Next day morning a group of sparrows appeared too
    In the house balcony making strong sound of twitter;
    It was twittering music to my ears before I woke up!
    Sound of parrots then I enjoyed as they flew fast there
    And the whole atmosphere echoed with squirrel music
    All round the day till the evening sunset came about!
    Now and then even today I hear the sound of mynahs;
    A return of glory in Nature makes me merry unique!
    I am happy with the happiness of these heirs of Nature.
    After living long so can we enjoy better with music of
    Nature or CD albums of musical instruments of virtuoso?
    Music both natural and instrumental cherishes our life!

  5. Right you are Ramesh! The charm of nature beats everything else that is artificial and man made. Nice to know that you at least get to hear the sparrows, squirrels and parrots. Not all are that fortunate.


  6. Well written.With blooming of Mobile phones everywhere and Mobile Towers which send out lots of waves everywhere…. where could we find the little sweet sparrows?
    Most of man made invention has side effects like drugs do(even they have side effetcs) …..

  7. very well written Shail . I love sparrows . But the house where I live now don’t have any trees and I miss the birds and their chirps terribly 😦

    I read some where the cutting of certain trees result in extinction of species as the bird’s life cycle get affected . Yesterday we were talking how crows are disappearing .

  8. I largely agree with Gyanban. No, I am not his/her friend or acquaintance. You do not seem to understand the meaning of a hypocrite.

    What contribution did you make to save the sparrows? If you did something to save them, then fine go ahead and dole out your sermons, which is what you do post after post. Most of which seem like a high school essay – writing the pros and cons of some issues and expecting a group of head bobbling followers.

  9. Hi Paresh,

    Thanks for taking time out and expressing your non hypocritical comments on my article.

    Just because I don’t do anything to solve a problem (about which I write) does not mean that I cannot write about it. Surely, my writing, if not solving the problem does not make the problem bigger. Does it?

    If you do not like what you read you are free to not read my articles at all. Nobody is forcing you. So, if you feel that the blog is filled with useless stuff go ahead and laugh your head off and read something else!

    Cheers for the New Year

  10. uma.a :
    Well written.With blooming of Mobile phones everywhere and Mobile Towers which send out lots of waves everywhere…. where could we find the little sweet sparrows?
    Most of man made invention has side effects like drugs do(even they have side effetcs) …..

    Hi Uma,

    I know. I miss the birds, so many of them have just disappeared. What are we leaving for the future generations to come,I wonder.

    Thanks for dropping by.

  11. Krishna Leela :
    very well written Shail . I love sparrows . But the house where I live now don’t have any trees and I miss the birds and their chirps terribly
    I read some where the cutting of certain trees result in extinction of species as the bird’s life cycle get affected . Yesterday we were talking how crows are disappearing .

    Hi Krishna,

    I feel sad that my son is unable to experience of nature all that I did.

    Thanks for your comments.

  12. Shail, I love this post so much. I am a big bird-lover, have been all my life and I love hearing their cheerful sounds. It is sad about the pesticides. But I do know that when people put out little shelters and food stations for them, the birds do come. So hopefully we can help them in this way. Thanks for addressing this important topic.

  13. Sherry Blue Sky :
    Shail, I love this post so much. I am a big bird-lover, have been all my life and I love hearing their cheerful sounds. It is sad about the pesticides. But I do know that when people put out little shelters and food stations for them, the birds do come. So hopefully we can help them in this way. Thanks for addressing this important topic.

    Hi Sherry,

    Glad you enjoyed reading this post. So good to see your comments. Yes, in our own little way, we can do something to help the birds.
    From one bird lover to another…..

  14. Firstly thank you for your visit. I like to think that the birds in the built up areas are just using us, so that’s OK. However like you I am really concerned about the destruction of their natural habitat. Quite apart from our own incursion into their lives by destruction of nesting sites & use of chemicals, they are also prone to mass wipe out from inclement weather because they are so highly strung and minor changes can really affect them.

    My work is pure fiction but I am glad there are bloggers like you that really get down to the seriousn issues of life.

  15. Hi Old Egg,

    It is a pleasure to see you here.

    I am not doing much just reflecting. My frustration about certain things that I cannot change transform into articles like these.

    Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts.

  16. Yes Shail, this is an important issue which many of us ignore as it does not affect us in anyway. Proactive steps are really needed to save our earth.


  17. A.Hari :
    Yes Shail, this is an important issue which many of us ignore as it does not affect us in anyway. Proactive steps are really needed to save our earth.

    Hi Hari.
    Busy that we are in our own problems and also creating problems we tend to forget or overlook the problems caused to these beautiful creatures of nature.

  18. Shail, thanks for taking up this issue which is very close to my heart. Humans are actually destroying the flora and fauna around in the name of development, urbanization, advancement and self protection. Recently, I read an article about dogs (Labradors and German Shepherds)who are “employed” in Bomb Squads for detecting explosives. No machines are capable of detecting what these animals can. But at what cost? At the expense of their lives. I believe these dogs have a shorter life span because their lungs get damaged due to “sniffing” these dangerous chemicals. In the name of self preservation, we are killing our fellow living beings.

    But on a happier note, I found a pair of sparrows back in my garden. At least they looked like one – wheatish brown with a “quarreling” streak. Even a crow cawing in the morning. Lonesome though it was. But still a joy to the eyes when I spot one.

  19. Burhani Foundation India is pleased to initiate Project SOS, Save Our Sparrows,
    a mass conservation project to save birds. Under this project, on 6th March 2011, 52000 Bird-Feeders will be distributed world-wide free of cost. Visit for more info.

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